Skills and Tools
General contractor at 7758 Snake Island Rd, Ottawa, ON K0A 2P0, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Skills and Tools: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
General contractor
7758 Snake Island Rd
Ontario K0A 2P0
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About Skills and Tools
We collaborate with home owners to ensure our clients get the job done to their exact specifications. We take the time that is necessary to get the job done right and in doing so our relationship creates a foundation for future projects. We have serviced the greater Ottawa region with quality home improvements for 33 years. We look forward for an opportunity with your next project. We can help with decks, unlimited shapes and sizes, basement finishing, bathrooms, bedrooms, pergolas, railings and stairs built to standard and codes, and additionally we can help with design and permits. We exceed our customers expectations.
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